Are you thinking of making a move into your dream home but need to sell your current home first??
Don’t worry! We can help!
Contact us today about our Home Swap program that allows you to buy before you sell!
This modern twist on home selling and purchasing allows you to buy your new home before you sell your current one! You can even get down payment assistance for your new home to cover those closing costs! Once you find the perfect home you can receive up to $25,000 to prep your current home for sale! AND up to 6 months of mortgage payments on your old home while it’s on the market! Guess what! It is interest-free! Yes, ZERO INTEREST! Ask me how and see if your home qualifies today!
To learn more about our Home Swap Program, Call 239-399-5432 for details or click here now!
Check out this article from Florida realtors to get updates on today’s real estate market!
Luxury Home Buyers Getting Cheaper Loan Rates Last week’s average for a 30-year fixed jumbo mortgage was 4.48% vs 4.95% for a conventional loan. Today, $1M is the price of entry in some markets.
NEW YORK – Affluent home buyers are less affected by skyrocketing U.S. mortgage rates, with estimating that the average for a 30-year fixed jumbo mortgage reached 4.48% last week, versus 4.95% for a conventional loan.
In the early days of the pandemic, jumbo rates were about half a percentage point higher than costs for smaller mortgages. Jumbo loans exceed the conforming limit of $647,200 in most areas and top $970,800 in expensive markets like San Francisco and New York City.
Jumbo mortgages differ from conventional loans by being less susceptible to the peaks and valleys of the secondary market because lenders usually keep them on their books and use them to draw wealthy customers and sell them on other services.
Big mortgages are gaining in importance, especially in expensive regions where $1 million is typically the price of entry.
“If there’s a silver lining for home buyers that find themselves taking bigger loans as home prices have soared, it’s that jumbo mortgage rates are actually lower,” said chief financial analyst Greg McBride. “It’s another indication of the uniqueness of this mortgage market.”
Source: Bloomberg (04/12/22) Gopal, Prashant
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