Carlos Cachon
Carlos Cachon

It’s All About Community!

As you know, as part of our Go Big Initiative our goal is to raise $10,000 for the Parkinson’s Association of Southwest Florida. Parkinson’s Association is doing fantastic work by spreading awareness of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease, as well as providing free resources to those already struggling with PD like movement therapy, speech therapy, and music therapy. To continue their great work, they depend on donations like ours to pay for all these amazing classes they’re able to provide. 

That’s where you come in! With every sale or purchase of a home, Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - The Cachon Team donates a portion of their income to the Parkinson’s Association of Southwest Florida. If you or anyone you know is looking to buy or sell real estate, send them our way! They receive the top-tier service that we’re known for, AND a worthy cause will benefit as well! YOUR REFERRALS CHANGE LIVES!! In addition to supporting the Parkinson’s Association of Southwest Florida monetarily, we like to help spread awareness through continued advertising and education on the association, and the effects of Parkinson’s Disease. Below is an article shared from the Parkinson’s Foundation wherein Faye discusses her experience with her diagnosis and how finding community and purpose with Parkinson’s Foundation helped her fight through it. While Parkinson’s Association of Southwest Florida is not affiliated with Parkinson’s Foundation, their offerings are very similar and will only improve with the continued support of donors like you.

Faye Elahi

Ten years ago, my life changed forever when I found out that I have Parkinson’s disease (PD). Thoughts started swirling through my head like, “how will this impact my husband and my two beautiful children, the youngest starting middle school?”

After getting confirmation about my Parkinson’s diagnosis from two other movement disorders specialists, I realized two things:

  1. I could not eliminate my Parkinson’s since there was no cure for it.
  2. What I could control was my attitude towards it to live the best life possible!

Instead of wallowing in negativity, I vowed to find the best available therapies to help slow down the progression of my disease. Within days of my diagnosis, I started physical therapy, followed by acupuncture, Tai Chiyoga, stationary cycling and targeted nutrition. Most importantly, I made a pact with myself to enjoy every moment of my life!

While these efforts helped, I realized that nutrition, exercise and a positive mindset were not enough to manage my weird motor-symptoms such as drop foot, joint stiffness, slow movement and freezing!

A year into my journey, I started taking Carbidopa/Levodopa. Like any other prescription drug, this medication came with some negative side effects. However, with perseverance on my part and the collaboration of my neurologist who ordered a few dose adjustments, those side effects are mostly under control.

Shortly after I found the right individualized dose of medication, I regained strength, which allowed me to go back to playing tennis, cycling longer distances, boxing, dancing, playing piano, hiking, traveling, working part-time, cooking, driving, shopping, and much more!

Over the last decade, I have realized that my experience with Parkinson’s has put me in a unique position to do something positive and profound. I owe to Parkinson’s:

  1. The special connections that I have made with other Parkinsonians who understand and accept me better than anyone.
  2. A deeper empathy for the 1,600 families with special needs that I have served over the past 20 years as a special needs nutritionist.
  3. An unwavering commitment to preserving my health since now I realize that to live a quality life, I have to care for myself first.
  4. My attitude of gratitude for all that I still CAN do.
  5. My lifelong purpose to educate and inspire others to learn the most effective dietary and lifestyle strategies for the management of Parkinson’s symptoms and enjoyment of life.

Retrieved on 3/23/21 from

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