Carlos Cachon
Carlos Cachon


Rent vs. Buy: How to Decide What’s Best for You

One major question for people is whether you should rent vs buy. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, median rent continues to rise. With today’s low mortgage rates, there’s a great opportunity for current renters to make a move into homeownership that stretches each dollar a little bit further. While the best timeline to buy a home is different for […]

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Rent vs. Buy: How to Decide What’s Best for You

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, median rent continues to rise. With today’s low mortgage rates, there’s great opportunity for current renters to make a move into homeownership that stretches each dollar a little bit further. While the best timeline to buy a home is different for everyone, the question remains: Should I continue renting or is it time for me […]

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Two Important Impacts of Home Equity

Equity continues to rise, helping American homeowners secure a much more stable financial future. According to the most recent data from CoreLogic, the average homeowner gained $9,800 in equity over the past year. In addition, experts project 2020 home prices to continue rising. With prices going up, equity gains will also keep accelerating. Black Knight just reported: “The annual percent […]

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Home Values Projected to Keep Rising

Are Home Values Projected To Keep Rising As we enter the final months of 2020 and continue to work through the challenges this year has brought, some of us wonder what impact continued economic uncertainty could have on home prices. Looking at the big picture, the rules of supply and demand will give us the […]

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Americans Are Gaining Confidence in the Economy

Can It be that Americans are gaining confidence in the economy? The September Jobs Report issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the unemployment rate dropped to 7.9%. Though that percentage is well below what experts projected earlier this year, it still means millions of people are without work. There’s no way to minimize the tremendous impact […]

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Real Estate Continues to Show Unprecedented Strength This Year

Unprecedented strength in the real estate landscape. The housing market has surpassed all expectations and continues to drive the nation’s economic recovery. The question is, will this positive trend continue throughout the rest of the year, especially given the uncertainty around the current health crisis, the upcoming election, and more? Here’s a look at what […]

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How to Prepare for a Bidding War [INFOGRAPHIC]

SOME HIGHLIGHTS With so few houses available on the market today, being ready for a bidding war is essential for prospective homebuyers. From pre-approval to making your best offer, here are three tips to make sure you can act quickly and confidently when you find the perfect home. Let’s connect today to be sure you […]

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