Carlos Cachon
Carlos Cachon

Fla.-Owned Citizens Insurance Wants 8% Hike in 2022

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Insurance Wants 8% Hike

Fla.-Owned Citizens Insurance Wants 8% Hike in 2022

The increase is average and could be more or less for some homeowners. The request must first be approved by the Office of Insurance Regulation.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Citizens Property Insurance Corporation’s Board of Governors on Wednesday will be asked to approve a recommendation for a 2022 rate package that reflects a new 11% cap on annual rate increases in 2022.

Board members will consider a statewide average increase of 8.0% for personal lines policyholders – homeowners, condominium unit owners, mobile homeowners, dwellings and renters. If approved by the Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR), the 2022 rates would go into effect for new and renewal policies after Aug. 8, 2022.

Homeowner policies would increase by an average 7.3%. Condo owners would see an average 10.8% increase. Renter’s rates would increase by 9.0% on average.

By law, Citizens must recommend actuarially sound rates, while complying with a legislative glide path. In 2021, the Florida Legislature increased the rate cap on individual policies to 11% in 2022 and 12% in 2023, excluding coverage changes and surcharges. If approved, the recommendations will be submitted to the OIR.

Citizens prepared a 2022 rate kit, which provides information about its 2022 rate filing, including county-by-county estimates for specific policy types, along with frequently asked questions.

Source: News Service of Florida

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